Interactive Metronome

Interactive Metronome in South Portland, ME

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IM?

Interactive Metronome (IM) is an interactive computer-based program which increases the rate at which different parts of the brain communicate with each other and also the rate at which the brain communicates with the body. As one of the premier speech pathology services that we offer, Interactive Metronome operates on what is called ms. timing. One ms. is equal to one one-thousandth of a second. MS timing is better in people with high cognitive horsepower and in the athletically gifted and is deficient in those who struggle with academics and in those who have motor challenges.

Is IM Invasive?

IM is NOT invasive. IM involves listening to a steady beat and tapping a trigger rhythmically in an attempt to match the beat. The precision of the participant’s trigger hits is measured in ms. and visual and auditory guides assist the participant in hitting the trigger exactly as the beat occurs, or within as few ms. from the beat as possible.

How Long is an IM session?

The first session is the longest, as this session involves an evaluation of the participant’s baseline timing skills. This session lasts from approximately 45 minutes to 1 hr. The following sessions are 30 to 45 min. in duration.

How Long is the Course of IM Treatment?

The average course of treatment is 12 sessions. However, in cases of severe injury or developmental delays, the course of treatment can be extended.

How Long do the IM Benefits Last?

The neurological changes gained from IM are lifelong: the change is permanent.

Who is a Candidate for IM?


IM is used worldwide in medical practices and clinics for treating a variety of disorders and injuries. These include: brain injuries and concussions, communicative disorders, i.e., speech, language and auditory processing disorders, movement disorders and sensory integration deficits. The United States Military uses IM to assist in healing veterans who come back from Iraq and Afghanistan with severe cognitive and motor deficits.


Because IM increases brain efficiency and performance, studies show that after 12 sessions, math and reading scores increase by an average of 3 standard scores and up to 9 standard scores. Both remedial and competitive students use IM to bolster academic outcomes.


IM increases millisecond timing, or that which occurs at one one-thousandth of a second. Athletes of all ages and disciplines use IM to perfect motor timing skills to gain a competitive edge.

For more information on clinical studies and interactive metronome view one of our links below.

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